Trusting Intuition

Following your intuition will get you going in the right direction

Intuition is like the roadmap to life. It is the guide, the all-knowing force that can lead you by the hand to find everything you ever needed or wanted.

The best thing is, it actually knows what you need more than you.

Open up to the idea that you are here for a reason, and there is no one else on the planet with your skills and viewpoint who can do the job that you are here to do.

It’s bigger than you can even imagine. The only thing to do is learn to listen to the authentic inner voice and to trust it implicitly.

The best thing is that it doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are 5 tips for finding your true voice, and allowing all that is yours to unveil with ease.

  1. Meditate. If you are unable to quiet your mind and turn the outside distractions off for 10 minutes, it will be difficult to access your intuition.
  2. Trust. Acting on the information that comes through is important. As you develop this trusting relationship with your inner voice, it will become easier to hear.
  3. Focus. Eliminate the extra noise and become like a laser beam of intensity as you begin to take action. Be present and notice what is happening. As you need to make changes and alter course, it will be simple to figure out how.
  4. Track. Keep a journal or at least a calendar that you can look back on in a year, two years, or whenever necessary. It is important to recognize how quickly you can move forward when you take consistent, doable action steps every day.
  5. Enjoy! This isn’t something to worry or fret about. Trust that the things you are naturally good at and enjoy doing are the skills you were given to accomplish what you need to in this lifetime. Don’t struggle against things, work with them and you can accomplish everything you desire!