Expectation and Dreams – The Daily, June 23, 2020

Take a vacation through photos or video – imagine and dream that you can be anywhere you want to be

“What the mind can conceive and believe, and the heart desire, you can achieve.” 
― Norman Vincent Peale

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” 
― Les Brown

There is a serious disease out there, and it affects millions of us. It’s called worrying about what other people think about you. It can stop you from doing what you dream of doing, and it can affect every decision you make in life. It is crippling, exhausting, and completely unnecessary. Because more than likely, other people aren’t thinking about you at all. They have their own stuff to worry about. And if they are, then at least give them something to talk about.

It’s time now to forge ahead with the new moon energy behind you. With all of the planetary retrogrades, be more open to reflection and think before you leap, but then leap. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never happen so use today to advance in the direction of the life you are meant to live. There honestly is nothing stopping you except for your own mind, so just start acting as though everything is going to work out exactly the way you want. Make the decision, start to do the work and then see where you are in two weeks at the next full moon. You can do anything diligently for two weeks.

Planet Check – With Venus finally coming out of retrograde on the 25th, it should ease up the intense period of reflection that you may find yourself in. Neptune is now retrograde for the next 180 days, and Neptune represents the higher heart or the true self. By connecting with your spiritual source you can use this opportunity to face and deal with any issues you might have denied and dismissed. Neptune’s retrograde can help you discover the source of your pain which can be a catalyst for spiritual growth. Go deep and release the ancient hurts for once and for all. There’s no room for it anymore.

The Plume is Coming – You have probably heard about the Saharan dust plume that is arriving tomorrow in the southeastern United States. From CNN, this story includes great video and a detailed explanation of what to expect from this natural occurrence. The sunsets and sunrises are going to be more beautiful than ever so keep an eye out for photos of the magnificence.

Thought of the Day – Work hard, then rest. After a productive period, the best part is knowing that you earned some downtime. Treat yourself to something you enjoy, like some relaxing music or a walk in a park. If there isn’t periodic enjoyment of your efforts, there won’t be any reason to keep trying. Celebrate the small victories and appreciate the fact that you are here for another day to create and to enjoy.

Make it a memorable one.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” 
― Marianne Williamson