#93 Make a New Moon Resolution

You can’t see a new moon, but it makes watching fireworks easier

We are all familiar with the custom of making New Year’s resolutions. Once a year, we are supposed to look back at what we have accomplished, figure out where we are now, and then decide what we would like to do in the coming year. Common themes include losing weight, exercising more, making more money, and various other life-changing ideas. But most of us don’t follow through. The reason? The ideas are too vague, have no action steps to take, and lack a specific timeframe.

When faced with 365 days ahead of us and broad goals such as losing weight, it is easy to start with some enthusiasm but to fall into procrastination and revert to old habits relatively quickly. If we have an entire year to do something, what’s the rush? Of course this leads to the end of this year’s review looking exactly like the previous year. Goals are pushed forward and we promise to do better.

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