New Beginnings – The Daily, May 19, 2020

Yellow, orange and red – the three colours of the lower chakras. Connect with the physical world today

“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” 
― Zig Ziglar

“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” 
― Confucius

With the world changing around us, it seems like a good opportunity to jump on board and make some changes at a personal level. Maybe it’s a good time to take some online courses, or learn how to paint or start a fitness routine. With a computer and the internet, there is no limit to what you can learn if you devote a little effort.

It doesn’t have to cost anything, or at the most a few dollars. Don’t sign up for pricey courses without first checking around for everything that is available. There are many good resources on YouTube and very inexpensive classes you can take through platforms like Udemy and Coursera, and many universities and colleges also offer online courses. Look around and see what is out there. Now is an excellent time to brush up on some skills or to take your life in a whole new direction.

Fitness When You Don’t Like Structure – Another great use of platforms like YouTube is the availability of every kind of exercise you can dream of, and all of it is for free. You can learn to dance the samba, do yoga, build muscles, or work up a sweat without needing any expensive equipment or having to leave your home. There are thousands of options and you can get fit without ever getting bored. The best part is, if you don’t like something, you can try another channel. It’s all free.

Wasting Time – The events of the world right now are challenging, but they are also inspiring many people to recognize the value of time and to begin to feel a sense of urgency and the desire to get things done. Use the momentum to carry you into new projects or finish old ones. With so much upheaval and the chance of some permanent changes, position yourself to land on the other side in a better place than you were before. Change doesn’t have to be a bad thing – it can be the best thing that ever happened.

Thought of the Day – You are only as happy as you think you are. If your happiness has to come from outside of you, either from other people or circumstances, then it is fleeting and fragile. Be happy first, and then everything else will take care of itself.

“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” 
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” 
― Abraham Lincoln