Standing for Something – The Daily, May 30, 2020

A flag without a breeze just isn’t the same

“Patriotism is, fundamentally, a conviction that a particular country is the best in the world because you were born in it….” 
― George Bernard Shaw

“You’re not to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.” 
― Malcolm X

Do you ever find yourself defending something because you feel that you must? If, for example, you saw an event occur that disturbed you deeply, but it happened in your neighbourhood, or in your family, would you stand against it or simply shake your head and say nothing?

There’s that saying, if you don’t stand for something you fall for anything. Where there is injustice there needs to be understanding, education and patience. Meeting violence with violence doesn’t seem to be the solution.

Staying connected to the moment and not allowing yourself to be swept up in emotion and to become reactive is important. The heat of the moment leads to pain and suffering that may never have been intended. Sometimes taking a deep breath and becoming aware of the body is enough to keep you grounded and able to operate from a position of strength. When everyone around you is losing their mind, it’s important to keep yours.

Battle Lines Drawn – On this day in 1431, 19-year-old Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. She played a role in France successfully taking back its land during The Hundred Years’ War from the British, even though the battle continued until 1453. Inspired by messages she said she received from three angels, she was able to rally a country around her and win several battles before being captured and eventually burned. It’s a fascinating story and even more so because of her young age and the fact that she was able to do so much, fuelled by what had to be divine intervention.

It just goes to show that you never know who is going to step up and become a hero, or a villain depending on your viewpoint.

Thought of the Day – Spend some time listening to the little annoying voice in your head, the one that tells you that you should be exercising or eating better or making that phone call. We ask for inspiration all of the time, but when intuition speaks to us we ignore it if the message isn’t what we want to hear. Refrain from telling others what to do when you don’t even listen to yourself.

Project kindness today. That energy is needed right now. Enjoy yourself and find peace.

“Intuition is seeing with the soul.” 
― Dean Koontz

“Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life.” 
― Paulo Coelho