Be Aware

If your feet feel like they are on fire, you should probably do something about it

You know that nagging feeling you get sometimes when something just doesn’t feel right? Maybe it’s a pain in your back that won’t go away, or a feeling of being tired all of the time, or something more subtle like noticing that you get angry quicker than normal.

Something is different. It’s probably worth paying attention to and trying to figure out what is going on.

Our bodies are so remarkable in everything they do. Inside of us is an intricate pharmacy, capable of adding a few drops of this hormone here and a pinch of that endorphin there as needed. Then everything is cleared away and balance returns without any nasty withdrawal symptoms.

If you have ever been startled and your adrenaline started flowing, you know exactly what I am talking about.

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Do the Body Right

My weekly fruit haul. When you eat a lot of this, it leaves less room for a lot of other stuff

You can’t get away from yourself.

No matter what you do, where you go, what types of behaviours you indulge in, or what you think about all day long, there is no escape.

You come into this world in a body and, although it changes constantly, you will be in it until you are gone.

Is there any reason to make this an unpleasant place to live? If you are going to be in the same body every single day, wouldn’t you rather it be a pleasant relationship?

Continue reading “Do the Body Right”