Do What You Say, Not What You Do

Snow yoga – not something I would be excited about doing again!

I have a good exercise habit going on. For the last five years or so, I have been pretty consistent with getting up and getting it done.

For me the mornings always work best. If I leave it until later in the day, I find that the excuses become easy to make and my willpower disappears.

I’ve gotten used to exercising first and eating later. It works for me, and so that is what I do.

That’s the key. You can listen to what other people do, think that it sounds good, and then try it and find out it isn’t for you. It’s not a bad thing – there is something that works for everyone. You just have to experiment until you find it.

Because there is definitely no one thing that works for everyone, trying to make someone else’s routine fit yours can be a frustrating pursuit.

Knowing that you can do something and then choosing not to do it is another matter.

Sometimes I have a bit of an argument with myself when I know I said I would do something and then I just don’t feel like it. It always seems easy to make the plans, set the intention to follow through, and then find enough reasons not to do it .

I have always been good at starting things, but there have been many times when I haven’t finished. And I never feel good about it after.

As I’ve grown older, I now try to commit only to projects that I am passionate about. I guard my time better and am able to say no to things that take me away from what is truly important to me.

My reasons for wanting to do something have to be powerful. I get up and exercise because I love feeling fit, strong, and it gives me energy. If I don’t do it I feel lousy.

Make goals, and make the reasons why you want to achieve the goals so important to you that not following through would be more painful than doing the work.

Strong reasons lead to strong willpower and powerful motivation. You can accomplish almost anything if you want it badly enough.


A goal set and reached!

Accomplishing things feels good. Making lists, checking off the tasks as they are completed – all of this gives a sense of satisfaction. But why?

Is that all there is to life? Getting things done and then planning more things to do?

Of course there are actions that need to be taken everyday. From the mundane to the unusual, life is a series of tasks and motion.

Is the movement forward though or just in circles?

I am making a concerted effort not to accomplish anything, and in so doing I hope to get everything I need. Not everything that I want, but everything that I need. There is a big difference.

Life is a series of experiences, not accumulations. I don’t need more stuff. I don’t need newer and better and bigger stuff.

I want to get rid of all of my stuff. Well, some of it anyways. Just the things that weigh me down.

It’s the doing that I want, not the having. The memories that I build with friends and family are what I will cherish to the last day I am here.

The stuff? Not so much.

So here’s to a slightly more minimalistic lifestyle and all of the freedom that I hope it brings!

Dare to Dream

The sky is the limit!

There is something to be said for the familiar. It’s comfortable, feels safe, and pushing beyond its cozy limitations isn’t fun sometimes.

Without pushing through, though, you can’t advance towards your dreams. Why? Because if your current habits supported the realization of your dreams, then you would have everything you want already.

So unless you can see your dreams ahead and you are following steps every day to reach them, there is room for improvement!

These are the steps I took to get the ball rolling and to start to change who I was, from the decisions I was making to the actions I was taking. The funny thing was – it wasn’t that difficult once I got started!

  1. Where – Be clear about where you want to go. This is the most important step to take. A clear, detailed map will get you on the road and make it much easier to start going forward.
  2. Why – Be clear about why you want to get there. You want to be rich? Why? What will your life look like and how will you feel when you have money? It’s the feeling of having the things that money can buy that is important. Get in touch with those feelings.
  3. How – When your motivation is big enough, you can accomplish anything. Once you know where and why you are going, start to figure out the how. Break the big dream down into actionable steps. 
  4. When – Set time frames. Don’t just say that you want to start your own business, define exactly what the business is going to do, what needs it fills, and what you have to do today to start making it a reality.
  5. Act Now – Finally, do something right now! Read a book, make a phone call, do research on the internet, whatever seems like a logical first step. You won’t have a clue what you are doing, but as you start to learn and keep working at it the steps will begin to unfold before you.

Never lose sight of your dreams! Write out exactly what it is you want and then accept no substitutes. Don’t let regret be a companion of your future when it is within your power to do something today to get to where you want to go.