#23 Set a Goal

Life stretches out ahead, seemingly endless but not so at all

The sky is the limit with this one. Today, take a few minutes to think of something you really wish to accomplish. It can be anything, like losing ten pounds, learning to speak Japanese, traveling to Thailand, or finishing a project you started. Whatever would fill you with a real sense of accomplishment is a good direction to turn.

We all have things in life that we would like to do, but somehow we don’t make any progress on them in real time. That means, you are doing nothing today to get closer to getting or doing the thing you want.

Wishing to do something and actually setting a goal to do it is completely different. The former is passive, while the latter requires action.

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Failure and Why It’s the Best Thing That Can Happen

The infamous snow-yoga shoot. I failed a few times before I got the pose I wanted – and it was -20C!

None of us likes to fail.

We set out to achieve something, hoping that we will find instant success. Some things come naturally to us; others do not. Still, we try multiple things over the years and eventually hone in on a few that we enjoy.

If one measure of your success is that you don’t fail very often, then you aren’t challenging yourself enough.

With each failure comes the discovery of how not to do something. There is nothing right or wrong about the results that are produced – they either move you toward or away from the ultimate goal.

Each time you attempt something and it doesn’t work out, you have taken one step towards the achievement of what you are trying to do. You get a little closer every time.

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