Feel What You Feel

Stormy or calm, the ocean expresses itself in every moment. A beautiful morning surf in Barbados

It seems like we spend a lot of time trying to censor our feelings, putting on a brave face to present to the world with the hopes that no one will notice what is really going on.

It’s the way we are brought up to be. As a child you struggle to deal with so many things, but when you express your frustration in a very loud way you are disciplined to learn to keep it in.

Children should be seen and not heard. Big boys don’t cry. Good girls shouldn’t scream. Go to your room and don’t come out until you can act like something different than who you are right now.

It’s all well-meant. These bits of guidance we receive from the adults around us help mold us to fit in. To function in society as what is considered normal necessitates us to be quiet, to use our indoor voices, and not to have tantrums in public.

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Be Who You Want to Be – Guidance

The best emotion – happiness! Find a reason to smile today

There is a way to know if you are heading in the right direction, a guidance system that will help you get to where you want to go.

The best navigation system is the emotions, the feelings we get deep within that are always present, but often ignored.

When I look back at some of the decisions I made in my life, the ones that led to challenging outcomes always seemed to spring forth from ignoring the discomfort that I felt at the time. There was always a slight sense of unease, but I would ignore it and plunge ahead anyways.

Whatever I subsequently went through was ultimately necessary for my growth, but at the time I wished I could have learned the lessons in an easier way.

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Be Who You Want to Be – Emotions

Flowers always inspire joy – gazing at something like this can make you feel wonderful!

There is an inner navigation system that we all have access to that can help us travel through life and through this world. The emotions are like a beacon in the darkness that constantly remind us when we have strayed off course.

Most of the time our thoughts and the constant noise around us keep us disconnected from the ability to sense how we are feeling. The strong emotions of anger and fear get through, but the more subtle ones can go unnoticed.

Learning to be present and to quiet the mind is the most effective way to allow these emotions to guide us along the best path towards our destiny.

That is why meditation is so effective. By going within and calming the mind, the essence of who we truly are can shine through. It is in these moments that clarity cuts through the fog like a laser beam and enhances our ability to manifest what we desire.

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