#85 Ditch the Salt

You wouldn’t drink ocean water, so be careful about the amount of salt that you eat

Salt, like sugar, is everywhere. If you never touch a salt shaker but eat processed foods or enjoy a fast-food meal on occasion, you will be exceeding any recommended amounts of sodium that you need to function, and in turn doing harm to your arteries. Salt is dangerous not only because it can cause high blood pressure, but because it damages the arteries leading to the development of atherosclerosis, and subsequently cardiovascular disease as this study showed.

It appears that salt acts like a free radical, inhibiting blood flow in arteries and tiny blood vessels. Salt actually cripples the ability of the body’s enzymes to function. This study showed that reducing salt intake enhanced the bioavailability of key enzymes, therefore reducing oxidative stress. In addition to harming arteries, high salt consumption has been linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer. If you consume salt, make sure to increase the natural antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables in your diet.

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