#25 Make Art

A friend took a picture of me and then did this. Very artistic indeed!

I have basically zero artistic abilities. I can’t draw anything that looks realistic, and I have no eye for painting. I have never tried sculpting but based on my other creative abilities, I’m pretty sure I know how that would go.

But I like to make art. I like to doodle or to do calligraphy. Even just drawing figure eights repeatedly or hearts seems to be enough. There is something soothing about taking a pen or pencil and gliding it over a page. Even finger painting would be fun, but a little messy. Still, any outlet where you can shut off the analytical mind and just let the creative part of you flow is worthwhile.

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All Good Things Come to Those Who Create

Every day nature creates something amazing, using whatever tools she chooses

There is something about creating in this world that stirs the soul and gives us purpose and a sense of accomplishment.

As children we amuse ourselves by playing different roles and using ordinary objects to construct elaborate fantasies.

As adults, some go on to build companies or to be inventors, making real in the material world what once existed only in their minds.

Some will become artists. Whether writers or painters, sculptors or singers, they give a physical manifestation to what began only as a thought.

I believe that to create is as necessary a part of life as sleeping and eating.

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Being Good With Being You

A moment in time in Costa Rica, no need to be anything other than who I am

Do you ever take the time to be proud of yourself?

Do you ever say, “ I am doing my best and that is enough right now, and I am enough” and actually mean it?

The proliferation of self-help books and courses and seminars makes me wonder if any of us think that we are doing okay without needing to be changed into someone else.

We all possess a need to be creative. We like to fix, tinker, and adjust things with the idea that they can always be better, and in ourselves we aspire to be more than who we are.

We want to do better. Our bodies should look fitter, we should read more, be more intelligent, make better decisions and have more money.

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Being Creative

Take time to play everyday. It keeps you young at heart! Costa Rica inspires creativity

We are creators. It is a natural part of being human.

It is amazing how we can use the power of imagination to entertain ourselves.

As children, we use our imagination to play make-believe and to take ordinary items like cardboard boxes and turn them into castles or fortresses or spaceships. 

Even as adults, this need to be creative never leaves. Some people find their expression through artistic pursuits, others start companies out of ideas, and others like to decorate their house or wear clothes expressing their style.

Whatever it is, we all do it in some way, or we all have the potential to do it.

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