Change and Coping – The Daily, June 10, 2020

Float on a boat on a beautiful day, nothing to worry about in a perfect moment in time

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.” 
― Eckhart Tolle

If you were to believe that all experiences in your life are absolutely essential to your inner evolution, would it be easier to accept and learn from them? It seems that fighting against something that is happening doesn’t make much sense. Denial, withdrawal, and non-acceptance are all energy drains that don’t contribute to any resolution of the issue. Looking at what is, and then moving forward from there, is more direct and focused than looking at it and wishing it was something else.

Wishes are desires with no power. Saying that you wish something will occur, as opposed to stating that you want something and then detailing steps to get there, portray two entirely different levels of expectation. Wishes are wishy-washy. Goals are concrete.

Do What it Takes – On June 10, 1752, Benjamin Franklin went out in a thunderstorm with a kite. He had a theory and he was willing to do whatever it took to prove it. When there is a burning desire within to know something, and a decision is made to figure it out, there is no stopping that force. Just don’t fly a kite in a thunderstorm – Ben did it for us and we should appreciate everything that followed because of it.

Personal History – Modern times are wonderful, but they can also be very punitive. Now that there are cameras and recording devices everywhere, anything that was ever recorded can be put on the internet where it will live forever. We can do something dumb at the age of 20, and then 20 years later it can come back to haunt us. Is this fair? Should you be held accountable for everything you did, just because there is some type of evidence of it? We are supposed to learn from our mistakes, but to be haunted by them for a lifetime is beyond being a lesson. Takeaway – be careful that what you say and do truly represents who you are. People are listening and watching.

Thought of the Day – Try to eat less cooked food, especially now that the weather is warmer. Big salads, fresh fruit, and raw nuts and seeds are nutritious, light, and living. It’s amazing how making a few simple changes to your diet can completely change how you feel within a short time. Take care of the body that works so hard to support you. Be good to yourself and those around you.

“I heard a definition once: Happiness is health and a short memory! I wish I’d invented it, because it is very true.” 
― Audrey Hepburn

Bad News

I haven’t been back to Puerto Rico since the hurricane. So many lives were lost or forever changed that day

One minute you are sailing along, the routine hum of life carrying you in a familiar sense of sameness, and nothing particularly interesting is going on.

Then something happens and your life changes in a heartbeat.

The phone rings. It’s bad news. Or you get an email. Bad news. Or the boss wants to see you, your spouse wants to talk with you, or the principal from your kid’s school is trying to reach you. Or worst of all, there’s a knock at the door and it’s the police.

Suddenly, the routine security of a normal day is gone.

It’s bad news.

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