One Step at a Time

It doesn’t matter where I go, I always find horses

What do you do when it feels like everything is going wrong? No matter which way you turn, the opposite of what you want ends up happening. You push, try to force, and still there is nothing but resistance.

It’s frustrating when you don’t get what you want. 

Is a successful life about trying to find out what you like to do, what you are good at, and then trying to get someone to give you a job doing that? They say that you should figure out what you love to do and then find a way to get paid for it.

They are right.

Continue reading “One Step at a Time”


Clarity and focus – we see this in nature all of the time. This pineapple will never turn into an orange – it knows only one thing

If there was one secret to success, I think it might be the ability to focus 100% of your intention on a desired outcome.

If you can achieve a state where you know exactly what you want, and you then move forward with this goal firmly in your mind, there is likely nothing you can’t accomplish.

If you could see a glimpse of the future, and you saw that you were working in the field you want to be in, or you were living in a certain house or with a specific type of partner, and you absolutely knew that this was your destiny, would you not be able to move forward confidently with no doubt as to the eventual outcome?

If you believe it then you can see it. Then you can make it happen.

If you can resist attaching negative emotion to an unintended result you have produced that you might label a failure, then with crystal-clear clarity you can learn from what occurred and refine your process.

Continue reading “Single-Mindedness”