Spreading Yourself too Thin

It can get a little foggy when you aren’t focused on what is important

Guilty as charged. Sometimes I find myself doing so many things at once that nothing ever gets done.

Over 30 years ago, someone made a remark to me that has stuck with me to this day. She said that you can’t be good at everything you do, and you don’t need to be.

There is something so powerful about focus. When you can narrow down what you want to do to just one thing, then the power that you bring to that task is enormous.

Somewhere along the way we were told that multi-tasking was the way to go. I have proven to myself that it isn’t, at least not for me.

Deliberate creation, focused intention, and laser-beam clarity are tools that will allow you to accomplish whatever you choose to do. Flitting from one thing to another like a hummingbird in a field full of flowers might be good for the hummingbird, but not so much for you.

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