The Morning

When you get up early, the morning shares these delightful sights with you. The beauty of Lake Ontario

It’s calm and peaceful right now. The world tends to be like that when it’s early enough. Soon the hustle will begin, another day full of things to do, trying to get ahead, and worrying about falling behind.

I looked at my bed when I got up this morning. I spend enough time in it, almost one-third of my life. A little less because I don’t often sleep eight hours, but close enough. One-third. That’s a lot!

If one-third of life is spent in slumber, that leaves two-thirds of the day to be awake and do things. It seems like a lot of time but then the day begins and it really isn’t. Work takes up another third of the day minimum, because getting ready for work and getting to work adds to the overall total. 

Then there are errands to run, like grocery shopping and other things. That takes up time too, and soon the days all run into each other and time seems to be flying by.

Is that all there is?

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Fighting For What Isn’t Yours

Accepting and appreciating everything is a joyful way to live. I release all struggle and allow life to flow

There are two sides to the desire to get more. We are either content with what we already have and enjoy creating new things, or we are miserable and feel that we can find happiness in something outside of ourselves.

We are told that through hard work and incessant effort we can have or be anything we want. If we aren’t getting the results, we need to do more, to fight and struggle to get it.

Don’t stop until you get enough. Michael Jackson made that sentiment come alive in a catchy song.

But what is enough?

First you decide what you think it is that you want, the thing that will make you happy forever and ever. It might be finding your soulmate, getting fit, having a certain job or starting your own business. It could be any number of things, but the bottom line is that you have decided you need this in your life to be complete.

You believe that you aren’t already enough. Something needs to come into your life so you can be whole, and then you will be happy.

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It All Starts With a Plan

A long road ahead, easily manoeuvred one step at a time

Sometimes getting started is the hardest part.

Whenever I decide I want to begin a new project, the first thing that runs through my mind is usually negative. How hard is this going to be? How much of my time is this going to take? What can go wrong? What if I invest a lot of time and find out I don’t want to do it after all?

I have decided that this type of thinking is stopping me before I even get going. I have a new plan of action – start with the positive questions instead of the negative ones. It’s a simple switch that works like a miracle.

I have several projects on the go right now. As I consider how to attack these head-on, I’m thinking in terms of what positive things they will bring into my life. In other words, I start by looking for the benefits and not the negatives.

These are the steps I take:

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