Saying the Words

Microphones amplify the sound of the words. Maybe it is because I have spent so much of my life doing this that I am very aware of what I say out loud. -Photo Credit:

I always marvel at the power of words. Never underestimate how what you think and say can change your life in an instant.

The word can be used to support or to destroy. It can help or harm, add beauty or ugliness, and inspire or belittle. 

Words can be weapons of war or motivators of peace. The spoken word is as powerful a tool we have to design our world.

The words we say only to ourselves determine the quality of our life experience.

Whenever I have had big words to say, like the ones that lead to a relationship ending or leaving a job, I find that I rehearse them many times in my mind before ever speaking them aloud.

Sometimes I imagine what the other person is going to say. Then I have a response, and an entire conversation can take place in the land of my imagination.

It can be an amusing game, or actually a terrifying one too. It almost seems like a waste of energy though.

None of the imaginary conversations I have ever had played out that way in reality. For some reason the other person doesn’t follow my script.

Having these internal conversations can be useful as a way of working through a situation and the possible outcomes. Making big changes is scary, and having some sort of rehearsal before the final act does provide some comfort through the process.

There will also be times when you are on the receiving end of life-altering words. Your significant other can tell you with no warning that it is over, or your boss can call you in and fire you, and you are left feeling blindsided with no pre-rehearsed script to follow.

These are the unexpected moments of life that come with no preparation, and they can reveal more about who you are than you may wish to know.

How we respond to challenges will depend on what we believe at the most basic level. If you believe that bad things always happen to you and that life is unfair, then you will take these moments as evidence to support this and respond with bitterness.

If instead you know that everything happens for a reason, that there are no accidents and that the ending of one scenario paves the way for something better to come to you, then you will deal with the situation entirely differently.

You will retain your power no matter what happens outside of you.

It is by being present and staying in the moment that the most appropriate reaction can be found. Most of the time in a situation that comes as a surprise to you, it is best to try to remain calm and to make no assumptions.

Ask for clarity and make sure that you know exactly what is being said.

Then find the moment of acceptance within and deal from a position of strength. Don’t allow anything to affect how you feel about yourself at the deepest level.

Be mindful of the words that run through your mind. Know that you can tell yourself any story you want, so it may as well be one that supports you and makes you feel good.

Say the words that bring peace and joy into your life, and then that will become who you are and what you bring to the world. There is no greater power than the mastery of words to bring internal bliss and peace.

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