
A new day, unlike any other

It’s quiet now. When I sit down to write these thoughts, it is usually very early in the morning, often before 5:00. The world is asleep as the first blush of sunrise is still some time away, and nature’s slumber continues.

I like it. There is always a hush, but one that feels full of expectation, a newness that hasn’t yet taken form. It just feels as though today could be any kind of day.

Routine robs us of the pleasure of anticipation. We fall in like soldiers, performing our tasks the same way we did the day before, the same way we will tomorrow. Unless something totally unexpected happens, the day will pass in anonymity, devoid of a uniqueness that will make it memorable.


The uncertainty of existence is what encourages us to wake up, to not allow the sameness of routine to steal the opportunity to feel alive in every moment. Because today isn’t like any other day, and this moment is independent of any other moment.

There never is another moment. We cannot live tomorrow, or truly live yesterday although many people try to. It is never not now.

Power springs forth from the realization that you are here, it is now, and that is all there is. If you aren’t happy with what the now looks like, then in this moment Is the opportunity to change.

And if change isn’t possible, then at least accept. Fighting against what is keeps you a prisoner to thoughts of past and future. It prevents you from being present in this moment.

There is nothing real other than this moment. The past exists as stories we cling to, and the future will never happen. The unfolding happens now.

It is a beautiful thing.

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