Making Sense Out of Nonsense

How different the world could be if only…

Every day we choose what to focus on. Sometimes we will hear something early in the day that can affect our mood for several hours to come. Often this happens when we’re watching the news.

Although there are a lot of bad things that happen every day, there are also a lot of good. We just don’t hear about them.

There’s something about human nature that makes us gravitate towards watching or listening to news that is disturbing. This morbid curiosity is possibly a way of acknowledging our own mortality from a detached viewpoint, without actually dealing with it head-on.

When you hear about bad things happening to other people, there is a sense of relief that it isn’t happening to you. 

There is also a strange desire to watch things that we find gruesome. That’s why horror movies are so titillating. Video games also are becoming increasingly violent and are gaining in popularity. The tamer ones just don’t sell.

We can blame the people that are selling the sensationalism, but the only reason they are doing so is because it sells. The market is there, and people are buying it.

Every time we spend a dollar, we are voicing approval for whatever it is we are buying. If you don’t like the focus on violence but you are buying your kids the latest video games, then your message is divided and you aren’t being clear about what you stand for.

As soon as we start to vote to see a different quality of media with our dollars, then it will begin to change. Until then, the market will supply the demand. It’s that simple.

How are we supposed to do this in a world that seems to have gone crazy?

The only thing we have the power to change is ourselves. If you want to see peace then you have to be peace. You can’t fight against things and expect them not to fight back.

War has never solved anything in the past, nor will it in the future. By nations trying to position themselves as better than others, or more deserving, or holier, they are committing violence on others. It is impossible to choose sides on this planet and not cause our own destruction at the same time.

As individuals, we are guilty of this too. We form groups and segment ourselves by defining what we do as “better” and what they do as “wrong”.

But when something challenges our very existence, we rally together to fight what is endangering us. We are told by governments who we should like and who we should hate based on whatever circumstances are happening at that time in the rest of the world.

And these things are always in flux. Who we are supposed to hate today isn’t who we hated 50 years ago and probably isn’t who we will be told to hate 10 years from now.

What if we stopped hating? What if instead we extended common courtesy to every other being in the world, living the golden rule in reality as opposed to just in theory?

How different would the world look then?

Imagine, for example, if suddenly an alien race from a planet far away decided to come and attack our planet. Would it be possible for all of the citizens of the earth to rally together to fight this external threat? It wouldn’t matter which country you were from, all differences would be set aside instantly to deal with the new enemy.

Isn’t it possible, then, since hate can be transferred at will from one group to another, that we could inflict peace instead of the more destructive emotions of hate? Is it not possible for us to be living in a heaven on earth where everyone works together for the common good of all?

It seems like such a complicated undertaking, but in reality if each of us were to be the peace that we are looking for in the world, the world would be a place of peace. There would be no exceptions to this.

You are only one person. But if every one person changed himself, the world would be a different place in an instant.

Love and Fear

The sheer beauty of nature

Dropping all expectations and living in the moment leads to peace of mind and a blissful existence.

When every moment is taken for what it is and the mind is not creating stories around it, the beauty of presence and the wonderment of this incarnation shines through.

It is enough. It is perfect.

The mind is such an intricate creation, beautiful and mad at the same time. It is used to dream and to torture, to explore and to persecute. It does this to itself, and it is quite psychotic.

Releasing thoughts and remaining keenly aware and present without the endless judging and categorizing leads to a freedom unknown in common times.

This existence will end. It could end in the next breath, or the one after. It could end decades from now. Most certainly, though, it will end.

The span of life covers a small moment in time, a single breath in the field of eternity. The scope of this life is tiny, inconsequential, in a universe of multiple dimensions and existences. 

All is unimportant, and yet all means everything. Thoughts take one away from living, mesmerizing us to exist in worlds that are false.

The only real thing is love. If it is not love, it is fear and it is false. The two cannot exist at the same time.

To love all in every moment is the real life. Releasing expectations and demands allows the love to shine through, enhancing the existence and everything that comes into contact with it.

The anchor is the breath. To become keenly aware in every moment of the breath brings awareness to what is. Thoughts take the awareness on a journey of what is not. It is a fantasy.

If thoughts can be accepted as being fantasy, then the endeavour is either to release all thoughts or use them to create a glorious fantasy. Negative thoughts are not necessary.

Experiences come and go, and they are neither good nor bad – they just are. The opportunity for education exists in every experience, and when the mind is taken out of the equation the experience is allowed to unfold as it must. After the unfolding, the messages become clear and the learning is complete. 

After that, it is on to the next.

Trying to force a situation to unfold in a certain way is like trying to force a rose to bloom. It is impossible and destructive. Releasing the experience to be what it is promotes freedom, clarity, and peace.

This is the ultimate goal of this existence. Every moment is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Acceptance is the key, and freedom is found on the other side of the door. Freedom, and bliss and a joy not found in common waking hours in a world that has gone insane.

Love is all there is, fear is false, and thoughts are mere tools used to achieve bliss.

Do you choose to be blissful today?


Can I get a crystal ball before I make a decision? That wouldn’t be any fun though!

Good, bad, or ugly, we make them every day. Constantly. Actually, in every moment. 

Most of our time is spent making the same decisions we always make. Decisions made over a period of time become habits, and these habits become so ingrained that they are difficult to change. 

If your habits aren’t taking you where you want to go, it’s time to make a decision to change them!

The most liberating thought is knowing that you can change everything about your life and even who you are by making the decision to do so. Quite honestly, you can reinvent yourself completely in the span of 10 seconds.

Just do it becomes just decide it.

Hate your job? Then figure out how to change it. If you can’t find aspects of it to improve and enjoy, then it might be time to leave. Complaining about it doesn’t make anything better. 

Make a decision one way or the other, and then take action.  Once you set the wheels in motion you can change your work situation completely.

Hate your relationship? Before you change it, look at yourself first. Expecting another person to make you happy is unfair. If you are unhappy with yourself, it doesn’t matter what happens outside of you. You will still be unhappy. Work on yourself first and see if that changes the relationship too. If not, then you can make a decision about it then.

Hate your body? This one is the easiest because you can take steps right now to improve it. Change how you eat and exercise and decide in every moment that you want to be the best physical self you can be.

This all sounds so easy, and in reality it is. With each decision made in every moment, you are either moving towards something you want or away from it. The power is yours to do whatever you want.

Fear is the biggest impediment to initiating changes. We become comfortable with routines and with the illusion of security and safety, and inertia sets in. Change can be difficult, but the thought of being exactly where you are or even worse off five years from now should be a great motivator.

Without taking action and moving towards something, you are resigning yourself to staying stuck. That should cause more fear than the thought of change does.

Consider that all of us are here for a limited time. The realization of our own mortality can be the biggest motivator there is. If you don’t take action now, then when?

It isn’t about what we are doing, but the love and joy that we bring to each task that matters. Make the decision to be a peaceful, joyful entity and you can become that. Learn to step outside of the reactions you normally have and respond in a different way.

Make the decision to be who you want to be and then just do it!


The old me. She was alright – we just aren’t the same person anymore – photo credit

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who I am, what I represent, and how I am perceived in the world. I’m not actually sure that any of these are the same thing.

We all have a persona, a collection of behaviours and mannerisms that become who we are. Other people know us by this, and if you step outside of these lines you often hear, “What’s wrong with you today?” or, “You just aren’t acting like yourself”.

Acting like yourself – and the world is our stage. It seems like the persona is basically a put-on show, a representation of ourselves that we use to relate to each other and the world around us.

But is it actually who we are? Or just a reasonable facsimile? Are we actors on a stage, playing the parts that become our lives?

I tested this theory by doing something that others would consider drastic. To most people, drastic is really just any kind of change. In the quest to find some security in an insecure world, we tend to cling to things and people and not want them to change.

But change is inevitable. Much as you are no longer the tiny baby that came into this world, or the awkward teenager, or whichever body you were in ten years age, your personality has evolved as well.

My drastic change was walking away from a career that I loved, completely leaving behind everything that I was known for to pursue something totally different. People didn’t know how to react to this, and although I could feel their support, I could also feel the doubts as well.

Basically, many of them thought I was crazy. They still think that. Sometimes I think that too.

But through making this big change, I have reconnected with who I am on a much deeper level. Who I am isn’t what I do for a living, it is much more than that.

It is the inner essence, the quality of presence and of life energy that defines who I am.

As I progress through this journey, I am discovering that I am beyond definition. We all are.

Through the act of reinvention, I have become much more present, forced to think my way through my actions as opposed to running through the routines of life on auto-pilot.

I feel like a human being, not a human doing.

It’s scary sometimes, not having the illusion of security and routine to hide under anymore. But it’s also tremendously liberating. The persona that was me is gone now, and I stand reconnected to my vulnerability as a person.

It’s going to be quite the journey, this life that I am living. I do know one thing – I like this new me a lot. She’s going to be just fine.

Benefits of Cold Therapy

It’s a little frosty out here – challenge yourself to get a little cool in the winter

Why would you actively seek to make yourself cold and uncomfortable? Because it actually does the body good!

Some of the benefits of cold therapy can include weight loss due to an increase in metabolism, reduced pain and inflammation, improved quality of sleep, better focus, and a stronger immune system.

It also strengthens your willpower – it’s not easy to voluntarily subject yourself to the discomfort associated with being cold!

Many athletes use it, and celebrities have jumped on the bandwagon too. The idea of cold therapy has been around for thousands of years, but with the advent of new cryotherapy chambers, the practice is becoming more mainstream.

Cryotherapy involves getting into a super-cooled chamber with no clothes on in temperatures lower than -110℃ for a few minutes. It is not readily accessible to everyone though, and can be expensive.

There are easier ways to get the benefits of cold therapy, and most of them don’t cost any money at all.

Start by turning the temperature down in the house and wearing less clothing outside. This is obviously much more effective in colder climates during the winter. Which leads us to everybody’s favourite – the dreaded cold shower.

The easiest way to get the benefits of this therapy is to take cold showers everyday. This isn’t fun at first, but you do get used to it and the euphoria felt after it’s over makes it worth it. You can ease into it, starting with your normal shower temperature and then turning the water to cold for a minute before you get out.

Once you get used to this, and if you want to take it further, you can take cold baths and ice baths. It’s a little more challenging to submerge yourself in a tub full of freezing water, but athletes have been doing it for years and the results are worth it.

Check with your doctor if you are suffering from any conditions that may preclude the use of cold therapy, or if you are unsure if it is right for you.

It’s one of those therapies that is very effective, although it can be a challenging one. Honestly, it is completely worth it in the end.

If you would like to read more about cryotherapy chambers and my personal experience with it, I wrote an article about it here

Don’t Miss Out (FOMO Should Scare You!)

Beauty is everywhere. Get out and find it! Costa Rica in all of its loveliness

FOMO – the fear of missing out. Apparently this has become a big thing for the younger generations, but it has been around a lot longer than that. It just didn’t have a catchy acronym before!

Although it usually refers to the next party or the next concert or a one-time event, it could easily apply to life in general. The years go by, we aren’t doing what we want to do, and we start to wonder if this is all there is.

Then we start to push ourselves harder. We don’t want to miss out on the latest opportunity, the next big thing, that one event that will finally change our lives into magical fairytales where we never experience hardship or disappointment again.

It would be nice, but I don’t think life actually works like that.

I remember many things that I thought I wanted, or places I thought I needed to go over the years. With age comes perspective. Most of what I thought I wanted would have been a disaster if I had actually received it.

From guys I thought I wanted to marry, to jobs I felt would be fun, to places I thought I wanted to live – when I look back now, I’m very glad that these things didn’t pan out.

Why? Because I can’t imagine being anywhere other than where I am right now.

Through my own experiences, I have learned that everything seems to unfold exactly the way it is supposed to. Holding on to an idea of how life should be takes you away from experiencing your life as it actually is.

If you look around and are truly dissatisfied with where you are and what you are doing, then by making a few decisions you can begin to move in a new direction.

You could change your entire life in the next year if you wanted to. Let’s face it – the year is going to pass by anyways, and if you don’t take control now then nothing will change.

If you want to lose some weight, then start eating less and moving more. The formula isn’t difficult.

If you want a new career, then look at what you can do today to begin to move in that direction. Take a course, talk to people who are doing what you want to do and find out how they started. Do anything to move you forward.

The fear of missing out is unfortunately all too real for many people, but come back to this moment and remember that the decisions you make today will build your tomorrows. In this moment you have the power to do what you need to do.

Make a decision right now that you aren’t going to miss out on what you want. Then take action immediately. Action builds momentum, and momentum produces results.

If you aren’t where you want to be, then don’t keep doing the same things you’ve been doing. Don’t let fear stop you from living life to the fullest.


Understanding the dawning of a new consciousness

Ten signs that you are becoming enlightened:

  1. You begin to care more about other people and the world around you. Selfishness and always looking out for number one are no longer behaviours that you tolerate. You truly want to see others succeed and you want to make the world a better place.
  2. Buying things doesn’t satisfy you anymore. There are no material possessions that you feel will make your life complete. You enjoy using things that assist you through life, but you are capable of existing without them. 
  3. The idea of minimalism appeals to you. There is something very freeing about the idea of living simply with few possessions. You begin to release objects from your life and feel lighter as you do so. The desire to buy more and newer is no longer there.
  4. The conversations you have with other people are more sincere. The art of listening is impossible to learn when you are in a selfish mindset; you care only of yourself and only want to hear yourself talk. People find you obnoxious and boring until you realize that the stories told by others are fascinating and worthwhile. You learn to listen, and by listening, you learn.
  5. You admit that you don’t know anything. We think that we know things, but the scope of our knowledge is limited to our own interaction in the world. There are too many possibilities unfolding in every moment for us to truly know anything. 
  6. Gratitude is evident in everything you do. You wake up thankful in the morning, and you look for every opportunity to be thankful throughout the day. You say thank you for everything and you truly appreciate what you have and all interactions with others. There is something to be learned in every moment.
  7. Life excites you. Routine and following the safe, secure path no longer appeal to you. By relinquishing the need to control your environment and the people in your life, a sense of freedom and lightness fills you and the anticipation of what life will bring next excites you.
  8. Your intuition becomes an important part of your life. You begin to notice and respond to the inner urgings you get and you trust that voice. Agonizing over decisions and trying to solve problems with thought no longer seem like the right way. You learn to quiet your mind and trust the answers that come from within.
  9. People and animals enjoy being around you. The energy that comes from you is soothing and others notice it. They may not know why they enjoy being with you, but they do. Young children light up in your presence, and animals seek you out.
  10. You don’t feel like yourself anymore. There is a detachment from the person you used to be, and at first this can be uncomfortable. The familiarity is gone, and sometimes you feel lost. Although this is normal, it can be disconcerting and you may want to try to go back. Know that you cannot. Release the need to control and fall in love with the process. The uncertainty will be replaced with contentment, joy, and pure bliss and your human experience will have more meaning than you could ever imagine.

The Importance of Breath

Breathing fully is much easier when you are outside with fresh air everywhere

It’s something we rarely think about, because the body does it on its own. If we had to remember to do it, we would probably be in big trouble.

It’s like beating our heart. It’s an amazing muscle, the heart; it pumps faster or slower as needed by the body without us having to figure out how to do it.

The breath is the same. If we exert ourselves in any way, the lungs respond by deepening the inhales and exhales as necessary to supply enough oxygen to the muscles.

There’s more that we can do with the breath though than to just take it for granted. When used correctly, the breath can anchor us to the present moment, can steady an anxious mind, and can even help us lose weight.

Wait – something as simple as breathing can help us to lose weight?

Absolutely! By using enhanced breathing, we can encourage the flow of oxygen through the system, enabling the body to better use fat for fuel. It is an amazingly easy process that can be done anytime, anywhere.

Remember, fat is basically stored energy. To shrink fat cells, your body will convert fat to energy for the muscles and other tissues using metabolic processes. The waste products from the metabolic processes are water and carbon dioxide, which are excreted in sweat and urine and exhaled from the lungs.

When you lose fat, you literally exhale it.

How to Breathe the Fat Off of Your Body

  1. Do Yoga – Yoga, which translates to “union”, is all about connecting breath to movement. You are encouraged to anchor to the breath as you move through various poses. The very nature of yoga encourages deep breathing, and can encourage fat loss.
  2. Meditate – As you ride the breath into quieter states of mind, you are allowing the muscles of the belly and diaphragm to relax, encouraging a deeper, more calming type of breath.
  3. Reduce Stress – Stress causes us to tense the body, causing more rapid, shallow breathing, tight muscles and a quicker heartbeat. This can lead to anxiety and an inability to resist food cravings that often leads to poor choices and weight gain.

To practice a fat-burning type of breath, breathe through the nose fully and allow the belly to relax. Relax the shoulders and close your eyes if it is practical to do so. Count a slow five as you inhale, and then allow the exhale to be as long or longer. Repeat this at least five times, working up to ten slow breaths each session. 

The biggest challenge is keeping the mind from wandering during the breath, as invariably the breath will shorten as the mind disengages. Start slowly and build up the ability to stay focused and centred.

Not only will this help you lose weight, it will soothe your frayed nerves and allow you to relax. Remember, your health should always be your number one priority because without that, life becomes much more difficult to navigate.

Willpower – Where Is It When We Need It the Most?

You can’t hide from your cravings!

Do you feel like you are bombarded with hundreds of choices every day? From what to wear to what to eat to what to do after work, it seems like there is always one or many options to consider.

Decision overload can make it seem almost impossible to consistently make good choices that support our goals. 

After a long day of making multiple decisions, it might not actually be your fault if you reach for the cookie jar when you get home instead of having a salad.

Although the research is somewhat controversial, ego depletion, or the idea that exercising self-control gets harder the more you have to do it, could play a role in your ability to assert willpower successfully or not. If our decision making muscles have limits in how effective they are based on how many decisions we make, this could explain why you end up doing exactly what you don’t want to do. 

The secret to success lies in taking back control of your decision making. But where to start?

Small changes can make a big difference. A little planning ahead of time can save you from having to test your willpower when it’s at a low.

Here are five easy tricks to follow to encourage better habits:

  1. Plan Ahead – Minimize the number of decisions you have to make, especially in the morning. If you want to go to the gym, put your workout clothes where you almost have to step over them when you get out of bed. This reaffirms your desire to develop a better habit and makes it more likely that you will follow through.
  2. Shop Wisely – Stock up on the foods you would like to include in your diet, like fresh fruit and vegetables, and don’t bring your triggers into the house. You are less likely to grab that bag of cookies after work if you have to go out to get it. Put the things you would like to be eating in plain sight, and prep healthy snacks ahead of time so minimal effort is involved.
  3. Be Regular – Devise a routine that you can live with. Make choosing healthy choices as simple as possible  For example, you can find easy ways to workout at home or experiment with a food delivery service that takes care of most of the prep. These can be useful short-term solutions while you train your mind to look forward to cooking fresh, healthy meals. As you begin to feel better you will want to continue the behaviour until it eventually becomes a habit you want to keep.
  4. Be Mindful – Outwit your tired, impressionable mind. If your go-to activity after work is plopping in front of the tv and zoning out, at least make sure that you aren’t watching endless food commercials that entice you with impossible to ignore food porn. Don’t test your willpower in this way! Grab a glass of water and prep a salad before dinner, and then commit to taking a walk after eating while doing something you enjoy, like listening to a favourite podcast. Make this a routine you look forward to and it will cease to be such a struggle.
  5. Make It Easy! – And finally, don’t be so hard on yourself! We are human, and we will all give in to temptation from time to time. One lapse doesn’t mean that you have to go into a full-blown frenzy of bad behaviour! Promise to do a little better each and every day, and before you know it you will be the person with the good habits who you always dreamed of becoming!

Article originally appeared in dietician Ara Wiseman’s newsletter

Up Your Brain Game

Use your head in more ways than one

Life is coming at you at warp speed. You need to stay sharp. You have tough decisions to make, you need to be on your toes and there is no time for brain fog.

Is there anything you can do that can help?

Actually, there is.

Eight Ways to Move Your Brain to the Fast Lane

  1. Exercise – This doesn’t mean an hour at the gym every day. Just 20 minutes of walking can do the trick, but make sure to make it a habit. Ideally this should be a daily activity.
  2. Fresh Air – Kill two birds with one stone and walk outside. Getting out of stuffy indoor air and out into nature is important for brain health. Try to find a place to walk where there isn’t too much traffic, as that defeats the purpose of breathing in fresh air.
  3. Sleep – Quality is always better than quantity. Make sure your room is cool and as dark as possible. Blackout curtains are a good investment. Peace and quiet are important as well.
  4. Meditate – Sit in silence for 10-15 minutes a day. There are lots of apps that can help you when you first start out. Giving the brain time to relax and recharge during the day will make a big difference in your ability to think.
  5. Eat Berries – Including a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet is a big help, as they are full of antioxidants. Take advantage of the healing power of berries to help your body and brain use oxygen more efficiently.
  6. Get Fat into Your Diet – The right kind of fat is important and often lacking in most diets. Essential fatty acids must be obtained through food because the body can’t manufacture them. Walnuts and flaxseeds are great sources of both Omega-3 and Omega-6 EFA’s.
  7. Mix it Up – Your routine that is. The brain will generate new neural pathways when you challenge it with games, puzzles, and a change in routine. Don’t get stuck in the same rut every day because your brain will be stuck right with you.
  8. Breathe – Yes, you are always breathing. But are you paying attention to the breath? As often as you think about it, fill your lungs up deeply and hold the air in for a few seconds. Release it slowly and notice how good it makes you feel. We spend most of the day breathing into only a small portion of the lungs.

These are easy ways to improve your brainpower every day. If you can minimize stress and take steps to protect your brain from injuries, you can maintain strong cognitive function for many years to come.