Making Changes Last – The Daily, June 8, 2020

The trees grow as tall as they can. We should aspire to be so grand

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” 
― Leo Tolstoy

It’s easy to criticize, judge, and talk about what other people should or shouldn’t be doing. It’s less simple when it comes to changing ourselves. Before looking around and finding fault with others, peer into your own life and see what’s going on there. You might be surprised that you are less than perfect, and therefore have no right to demand that others be so.

Momentum – Make a decision and stick with it. The only way to get something accomplished is to do it. It’s amazing how so many people will say that they want to lose weight, and yet they continue to overeat and not exercise. They want the reward without the work. Life kind of works in the opposite way – you get out of it what you put into it. At some point, realizing that anything worth having takes work and then doing the work brings a satisfaction upon completion that is more fulfilling than anything else.

Stop looking for easy answers and do the work if you really want something. Or else just let it go. No one is interested in hearing about the things you want to do if you aren’t actually doing them.

1984 – On June 8th, 1949, George Orwell published his last book, 1984. All of his books make for incredible reading and inspire a thought-provoking journey. Born into privilege in India, Eric Blair, the real name of the author, became disillusioned and left to follow a life of poverty in England and Paris.

Orwell’s last novel, 1984, brought him lasting fame with its vision of a future where all citizens are watched constantly and language is twisted to aid in oppression. It’s a grim outlook that speaks to the times of today.

Thought of the Day – Don’t assume that what you hear and read are true. Make sense of it yourself and listen to many different viewpoints. Following anything blindly impairs your ability to make fair assessments. Stay informed and enjoy a beautiful day.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” 
― Martin Luther King Jr

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