Looking for What You Want

Beauty is everywhere and we are never alone. Open your eyes and you will see…

There is truth to the saying that you can’t go back. What was there will never be the same.

Whether it is a job, a relationship, or your old way of life, it won’t be what it was before. If you allow it to be what it is now, it might actually be better than what you had ever hoped for.

There is no place like home. Not the physical structure of home, because that can change a few or many times throughout your life. The real home is the sense of belonging that lives inside of you.

It’s important to feel like we belong somewhere. There is no more lonely feeling than thinking that no one cares about you and nowhere feels safe.

It doesn’t matter how many people are around you. If you feel misunderstood or disrespected, you could be surrounded by dozens of people and still feel completely isolated. It’s an inner judgment that is made that doesn’t foster a feeling of security or contentment.

Feeling isolated is a major issue that can lead to behaviour that is harmful to others and especially to oneself.

The irony of this is that we are never truly alone. Even if there are no other people within miles of you at the moment, there is an intelligence that flows through the world that is both conscious and alive.

Everything that is manifested carries the intelligence of creation within. There is always a presence around you, no matter where you are.

It’s in the trees and the rocks, the birds and the grass. There is life everywhere and we are a part of that. We are part of one huge earth community that offers us support in every moment.

The purpose of life is to live. There is evidence of that everywhere. The clouds are in motion, the stars twinkle in the sky, the sun creates beautiful colours as it shines down on all of us. You are part of an intricate creation that is both magnificent and inimitable.

You don’t ever need to feel alone.

It helps not to bring a rigid set of expectations to anything in life. Other people don’t need to act a certain way for you to find happiness. The economy doesn’t need to change, and the weather is perfect at every moment for what is needed to sustain life here.

When you become flexible in your expectations, you free up a tremendous amount of energy to be able to function at your highest level. You can create and express yourself in any manner when things on the outside don’t need to change for you to be happy.

You can change the glasses you are using to look at things. By not using your eyes to find proof of what you don’t want to see in your world, you may begin to notice all that is good.

Don’t waste this precious life. Let it be as it is and use your time to cultivate and harvest what is within. Work with things the way they are and don’t wait for how you feel they should be.

Help others see how perfect they are. Tearing each other down instead of building each other up is a waste of time and energy. Nothing good comes of trying to bring others down in an effort to feel better about yourself. It doesn’t work.

It’s liberating to live and let live. Don’t look for reasons why you are unhappy or alone; instead, find opportunities to appreciate what is good in life. Nothing is ever perfect, and yet it is. It all depends on how you choose to look at it.

Feeling that things need to be the way you demand them to be is selfish and a waste of time. Spend your energy changing the one thing that you can control – your inner sense of peace.

There is only one person that you can control in this world and yet so many of us don’t even take care of that. By not doing things that are counterproductive to the results you wish to achieve, you can have everything you want.

Flow like the water and the wind through the day and see how everything lines up to allow you to discover the joy that you thought was missing from your life.

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