Betting On Me

Seven is a lucky number – one of many for me

It was early, the night’s velvet darkness still keeping the morning light at bay, and I was just waking up. My eyes were barely focusing after a long night of sleep. Excitement suddenly gripped me as I remembered that there was a race the night before, and our horse had a good chance to win. I forced my sleepy eyes to work so I could see if it was there on my night table.

It was. Joy surged through me as I saw the small stack of money sitting beside my radio. Success! Another winning effort and the spoils that came with it. I felt richer than anyone in the world.

I was also six years old. My parents always put $2 across on our horses for me, and I am so thankful for that and what it did to help make me who I ended up becoming.

My life was meant to be about horses, and it was also meant to be about betting. Everything I have ever done has led me back to those two things. My parents neither encouraged nor discouraged these two loves of mine, but they allowed me to be who I was going to be regardless of anyone’s opinion.

That brings me to where I am now.

One of my favourite books was written not by Deepak Chopra, or Eckhart Tolle, nor Wayne Dyer or Napoleon Hill, although I am an avid reader of all of those wonderful authors. No, for me one of the all-time greats was written by Thoroughbred racing’s speed figure guru, Andy Beyer.

Andy’s “My $50,000 Year at the Races” captivated me. I followed along through the ups and downs, the satisfying wins and the agonizing defeats that he went through and documented so well. I always knew I could do the same thing.

Now I am sharing my adventures in betting with you.

The bankroll is set and the choices are many. Not only do I enjoy betting horses, but am also partial to football, basketball, and a little baseball and hockey. There is never a day of the year where I can’t play if I want to. Not even Christmas, thanks to the NBA.

If you have ever wondered what it is like to be a full-time bettor, then follow along. There will be good times and bad, of that there is no doubt. But it is all real. Real money, real action, real results, whether good, bad or just plain ugly.

This is my life. It isn’t all about betting because I am also passionate about fitness and health, and it’s always important to have balance in everything. 

But this is mostly about investing through betting sports and horses. Investing, because the expectation is to make money. In my mind this has nothing to do with gambling. 

This is what a year in the life of a horse and sports bettor looks like. Actually, it isn’t. It is just what a year in my life as a bettor looks like.

Good luck to us all.

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