“There is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.”
― Ernst Hemmingway
“The fear is simply because you are not living with life, You are living in your mind.”
― Sadhguru
More and more it feels like people are looking for something. Self-help books and motivational speakers are everywhere and it feels like we strive to become more than who we are. Or at least we feel like we should. Reaching for something that is outside of us gives us a sense of purpose, a goal to work towards, and an ending that becomes a finish line that we race towards.
Sometimes we get there and nothing feels much different. A few moments of satisfaction and congratulations ensue, and then the need to set new finish lines appears. Or worse – some people get what they wanted, realize that it hasn’t brought them happiness, and then depression sets in. How many stories are there of outwardly successful people who fall into a world of addiction, mental turmoil and sometimes suicide? By constantly focusing on the outer appearances of life, they have neglected the inner.
The inner world is where you live. Nothing outside of you adds to life; it is how the outside world is processed internally that makes up your moments. Two people can witness the same event – one will walk away and never think of it again, and the other might have nightmares, or get depressed, or start a movement. How we process things internally is how we become the person we are. Some people gossip about others, or criticize, or find fault with everything. Meanwhile, they do nothing to add anything positive to the world. Sadly, it is a life well-wasted.
Go out, create, enjoy, see the beauty, and feel good about as much as you can. Life isn’t fun for you or anyone around you if all you do is pollute the world with negativity.
Look for the New – The Moon is touring through Aquarius all day, and we crave intellectual stimulation, change, and unusual or unconventional experiences. Do something different, maybe take a trip somewhere you wouldn’t normally go or watch a documentary on anything that looks interesting. Sometimes things present themselves in our lives for a reason, and you never know where any of them might lead. Look at all of it with an inquisitive mind and stay alert for anything that really grabs your attention. There might be more to it then you think.
Later in the day, Mars is square to retrograde Mercury and this can stir up issues in communication. Watch that you don’t become impatient when dealing with others.
Thought of the Day – One week of July is already in the books. Have you done anything differently this month that is going to make the rest of the year look closer to what you want? See what action you can take right now to move in the direction you want to go. The Universe will support you along the way, but you still need to do something to get there.
Have a special Tuesday.
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough”
― Oprah Winfrey