I know very few things, but I believe some stuff. I have had experiences that happened and formed my beliefs, but they are just that. They are only my beliefs.
I believe in the law of cause and effect, that for every action there is an equal reaction. What the reaction is, I don’t always know. I can speculate, postulate, formulate and hypothesize what could happen, what should happen, but ultimately I don’t know.
Things happen around me, and the way I look at them affects how I feel. It might be a big change in the economy, or an election that puts someone into a position of power who doesn’t seem fit to rule, or a natural disaster that ruins lives. I can let these events paralyze me with fear, or not. It’s my choice.
Going into the world in a positive manner, believing that I am always going to be okay and that no matter what happens I can deal with it, has worked for me so far. Will it always? I don’t know.
I believe it will. That is enough.
Life seems to respond to that. The expectations I have are reflected back to me constantly, whether they are what I wanted or not. If I expect that the economy is going to make it difficult for me to thrive, then more than likely I will see that I am right. It’s not what I wanted though.
But it is what I believed.
What if life is like a big movie, and we are all the screenwriters that create the drama that plays out for us? If each thought you have becomes a scene in the movie, and you begin to really notice what you are thinking about, what would your movie look like?
I have had many moments of fear, doubt, and despair. We all do. I have also found peace, joy and bliss in other moments. I prefer how those make me feel. Even when things aren’t going the way I think they should, if I remember that I don’t always know how it is going to turn out I can at least be serene and watch the movie unfold from a pleasant space.
I like how that frees me from the negativity. I don’t like to marinate in torturous thoughts of all that is wrong and all that is unfair.
Beliefs are personal; they need not be shared with others, but they are powerful influencers in the way our lives play out. You get what you give in life, and you give what you believe you should give. Whether that is support or condemnation, love or hate, the responses you offer to what happens in your life come from the beliefs you hold.
This movie can be a love story or a horror, a tale of inspiration or one of woe. Reflect on how you would like yours to be.
No amount of success or accomplishments has the ability to change how you feel about yourself. That is the biggest illusion we cling to, and it prevents us from being satisfied with who we are and what we have.
Someone else has more, so they are superior. Sometimes we even think we should take what they have, thereby elevating ourselves while putting them back down where they belong.
Social media is very good at fostering this attitude. Bullying and cruelty towards others has become a hobby for people who aren’t getting what they think they deserve. Life owes them and it isn’t paying up, so they feel justified in making others share in the suffering.
Sometimes it’s easier to make someone else feel bad about what they are doing than to face our own feelings of remorse or bitterness.
There are many ways to live life. By choosing consciously how you wish to feel as you progress through the different phases you go through, the scenes can unfold in a way that makes sense.
Taking responsibility for the life that you have is more freeing than blaming everything outside of yourself for what is wrong. There is no power in that, because we can’t change the outside.
The inside, though – that is something we can manage. We can change what that looks and feels like in a heartbeat.
I know very few things, and that is okay. My beliefs are such that I will always be fine regardless of what occurs around me, because I believe that I will be fine.
The movie of my life will be one of perseverance, acceptance and grace. In this moment, that is my expectation. And since life is always this moment, that is good enough.