Most people don’t get close to the recommended number of servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Optimal consumption is closer to 10-13 servings rather than the minimum recommendation of 5, which even at that low level few people achieve. Eating more servings provides a multitude of nutrients that can improve your health and keeps you from eating the stuff that isn’t so good.
One fruit that most people do consume is bananas. Bananas do contain vitamins and minerals and they can be an important part of a healthy diet. Other fruits are superior in terms of nutritional density, but if a banana is the only one that you will eat, at least do that every day.
Action – Every time you eat something, it is an opportunity to fill up with something nutritious or to consume empty calories. Things that are devoid of fibre should be reduced in your diet, and a shift to nutritionally dense foods is the simplest way to ensure your body is getting what it needs every day.
One banana has 3g of fibre and 1.3g of protein, and is a good source of potassium, vitamin C and B6, copper, manganese and magnesium. At only 110 calories for an average-sized banana, they make good snacks and are convenient to take with you wherever you go.
Lemons, strawberries, oranges, limes, grapefruits, blackberries, apples, pomegranate and pineapple are all superior in nutrients, but if you don’t eat them they won’t help you. Bananas are a good source of energy and are much better than eating sugary processed foods.
Steps – If you make a smoothie, throw a banana in it to keep you full and to provide extra creaminess. Put one in your lunch or have one as soon as you get home to prevent excessive hunger that leads to making poor choices. The convenience of bananas is their biggest asset. As you get used to eating them routinely, you can begin to add other fruits every day.
Why It Makes you Feel Better – Besides being a good source of energy and some nutrients, bananas may help regulate blood sugar levels because they are a good source of pectin. Some diabetics may not do well eating very ripe bananas though, so make sure they are right for you.
Because of the pectin content, bananas may mirror some of the health benefits found in apples, such as supporting digestive and heart health and aiding in weight loss. Use their portability to your advantage and take them with you during long periods of exercise, as their easily-digestible carbs make them good light snacks when working out.
Example – For a sweet treat, blend up frozen bananas to create a delicious alternative to ice cream. Add cocoa powder to make it a chocolate treat, and spoon it over a bowl of fresh fruit to provide a filling snack that is as nutritious as it is tasty. When bananas become too ripe, throw them in a freezer bag and always have some on hand when the craving for something sweet hits.
A banana may not be as good for you as a lemon, but you are more likely to eat one than to eat its sour counterpart. Replace the nutritionally-empty foods in your diet with healthier choices and you will be helping your body to function at peak capacity without sacrificing satisfaction.